Parish Councils are at the heart of the communities they serve. In Burton Joyce the Parish Council maintains, manages and improves facilities for local residents such as the Cemetery, allotments, Poplars Sports Ground and the Grove. It has recently taken on services previously provided by the County and Borough Councils, such as the cutting of grass verges and it continues to explore ways in which it can offer more services locally and more efficiently. In partnership with local schools, businesses, clubs and societies Parish Councillors and staff work hard to improve the lives of people living in Burton Joyce – for example, the Parish Council spear-headed a recent campaign to try and prevent approval for the extraction of minerals from across the river at Shelford which, should it go ahead, would bring increased flooding risks, a substantial increase in heavy traffic through the village and loss of a beautiful landscape. On a lighter note, the Parish Council provides the village’s floral displays throughout the summer, the Christmas lights throughout December and the very successful Christmas Fair and Bonfire/Firework Display events which bring the whole community together.
In May 2015, it is not just the General Election that will be taking place but elections for a new Parish Council too. If you are interested in serving your community and would like to find out what it means to be a Parish Councillor, contact the Parish Office in the first instance for an informal chat.
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Parish Council and its committees – copies of all agendas and minutes are available on line at
Or from Jackie Dawn, Parish Clerk at the Parish Office, Library Building, Meadow Lane, Burton Joyce, Nottingham, NG14 5EX. Telephone 01159 314084.