Community Garden at the Old School Building

The development of the Community Garden fulfils a long-held ambition to provide a ‘heart’ to the village, with the aim of bringing people together and encouraging a community spirit.

We remain grateful to all who participated in the consultation process earlier this year; your input has been extremely valuable and your ideas have been taken on board. The final designs can be seen on the right of this page.  To date we have secured £67,429 of funding for the project, this includes the recent successful application for £5,000 from Gedling’s ‘High Street Events Fund’ for benches and bins, and have now submitted an application for a further £100,000 to FCC Communities. Unfortunately we now have to wait for the decision in early December and, as part of the application procedure, we cannot make a start on any works until this is made (the funding is only available for new projects).

Whilst we are waiting however, we will be able to go out to tender for the works with the technical designs we now have, so we are continuing to making progress in the background.   It is taking time, but we are getting there…!

You can view the different design concepts and proposals presented in the consultation on the following links:

Burton Joyce Consultation Boards

Bench and Planter options

Interpretation and Education

Planting options

Canopy options

Path options

This will be your amenity, so we want to make sure we are providing a welcoming and engaging facility for all!